Prague, Czech Republic – May 2021 – CLOUDFIELD a. s. is announcing new consulting services offering Modernize Your Application to Cloud. This offering was also reviewed by Microsoft and defined as co-sell ready solution available on Azure Marketplace. Following you can find more details:
Does not matter which application or industry you are running your business. We will help you to modernize or speedup your application development to deliver critical tasks to your business requirements to improve your end customers experience.
What are you looking for:
- Faster application development and improve your business requirements deliveries
- Increase effectivity of your IT
- Effectively integrate all your systems
- Cost optimization
How to get there:
- Modernization of current application through containerization and transfer to Kubernetes, which helps with scaling, faster CI/CD cycle and helps in short time frame business requirements to production
- DEV/TEST environment based your needs and requirements
- Scaling production environment based on actual needs
- Decreasing of requirements on db management – transformation to platform DB services like Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Cosmos DB or Azure Database for MariaDB
- Implementation of platform services as Azure Functions, App Service, Logic Apps, API management or Service Bus helps in very short time creates new components to the current system and manage business requirements faster to your customers
- Higher security of whole system thanks to standardization, implementation of complex monitoring (Azure Monitor) and implementation of Azure Security Center
What products and solutions we are using: Microsoft Azure:
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Application Gateway, Azure Front Door, DNS support and SSL certificate
- Virtual Machine (Linux/Windows)
- Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for MariaDB
- App Service, Azure Functions
- Integration – Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management

Impact to customer business:
- IMPROVED communication and understanding between IT and business units – fast implementation of business requirements – from idea to production with direct impact to your customers
- Impact to culture change of company thanks better communication between departments and coordination of change requirements to business
- Data Insight – thanks to all data in cloud – online real reporting in challenging times as Xmas, sudden changes on markets, better planning
Link to Azure Marketplace: Modernize your application with/to cloud: 5-Wk Imp – Microsoft Azure Marketplace
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