dobrovolnik – azure Web App migration

Web portal was created for company Hestia which works in area of Corporate Social Responsibility, volunteering and helping people in different social groups.

Technical solution before migration:

Web portal was developed in drupal content management system and was operated in webhosting center in Czech Republic. Because Hestia is moving their workload to azure cloud was selected as good candidate to migrate to azure. Technology used in solution are: PHP, redis cache, mysql database.

Migration scenario:

For solution migration was used combination of azure VM (Linux) and Web App service (Windows). Solution has following design:

Used components in solution:

  • Azure Web App (Windows) – used for running PHP environment for drupal, Web App also runs AcmeBot extension for automatic certificate provisioning for let’s encrypt.
  • Linux VM which runs MySQL database engine and redis cache instance – from customer side there was preference to run these service in maximum cost effective way.
  • Application insights – collecting log data and provide analytic services for web performance and utilization.

Azure migration benefits

  • Running solution in azure customer achieves very high flexibility from point of view of scaling – based on performance needs during season peeks. During covid19 period was very important to provide information to end customers in online way with higher traffic than expected during normal time.
  • Azure platform also provide significantly better reliability of whole solution.
  • Azure platform itself also providers maximum security for solution – collecting logs, security center metrics and security proactive monitoring for solution storing sensitive data.